Ok, another 3-day weekend so we gotta go somewhere. It's the MLK, Jr. holiday weekend and since it's January...well that means we're going to a warmer place. We've passed Death Valley a number of times on the way out to Las Vegas, but we've never really taken a day to really go up to check it out.
While I went to class from 8-10am, Kerstin packed everything that we were going to need for our trip. (She did a good job too!) She packed our big tent and lots of food & warm clothes/sleeping bags/etc. We finally got on the road (after buying food and some other stuff) around noon.
Since we got a somewhat late start on our road trip, we ran into nightfall before our ultimate destination. Kerstin and I have put up a tent in Luxembourg in the dark...and we never want to have to do that again. So we stopped in Ridgecrest, CA for the night here. Fortunately the Econo-Lodge gave us the AAA discount and has free DSL so that we could stay here cheaper and post pictures to the Internet. Tomorrow we're going to head out and see what there's to do in Death Valley aside from camping.
 MORTIMER'S!!!! CA defaults to local officials on whether or not they allow gambling or not. This has to be a landmark place or something due to its classy sign. |  Lunchtime!!! |  It rains here in the winter, notice how stuff starts turning green. |
 Heading east, 10-20 miles east of Paso Robles, CA.
|  Kerstin's father's name is Kurt. We found his roadsign. Someday we might be stopping by with some tools. OK, probably not. |  After heading east out of Bakersfield on CA 178, you go through some small foothills and then are greeted by a wall. Literally. |
 But, the Kern River cuts a canyon through the mountains and CA 178 runs right up it for 10-15 miles. Not pictured is a sign that welcomes you into the canyon by saying that ~250 people have died on this stretch of road since 1970. It narrows and becomes very twisty after entering the canyon. The Kern River is very scenic...but watch out for faster traffic from behind. |  We're in the Sequioa National Forest, but there are no trees here. You figure it out... |  Full moon at sunset over Lake Isabella. |
 Another Lake Isabella shot. |  And another! Being in the mountains at sunset is pretty cool... |  In 36,000 miles, this car has seen more of the the world than most. |
 The light was just right to show off my car, sorry. |  Note the lovely rims. Mounted on those cheapo rims are my awesome snow tires. Sorry folks, they're only good to 200 km/h. And check out the moonglint on the water!